Apparently I did not post this in my blog, but sometime last year Utilizator came out with an updated version of their anime Avatar 2.0 that included three experimental bust sizes -- large, barely there, and flat.
As I've noted previously, very few designers are interested in designing anything for a flat-chested female body (femboi, or young girl). Bare Rose is just about the only one doing it. I've played with the Utilizator Avatar 2.0 on my other characters, but when I saw that they had a flat-chested version of the avatar, I was intrigued. I bought one for my femboi Kelly Eden.
The downside to this development was that there were very, very few clothing items for sale for said avatar at the time. Utilizator had a few things, and I found one other inventor called AiTech (Artificial Incarnation Technologies) who had something I liked -- a collection of flat-chested Avatar 2.0 shirts. I only bought the "It's a Trap!" shirt, but it was worth the money.
Now, the market for Avatar 2.0 clothing is filled with people doing texture mods for the clothing that Utilizator designs, and/or doing some very simple designs of their own. AiTech seemed no different -- just a few shirts, all the same item with different textures. So I would never have guessed what was to come.
Fast forward nearly a year, and I decided to check out Utilizator again. He has more stuff designed for the flat-chested Avatar 2.0 (for all four breast sizes actually). He also has an updated avatar that makes it much easier to use the flat-chested version or to switch between versions.
(He also has a new avatar out -- the Kenmono avatar, which is an easily-moddable furry avatar which also works with his M3 anime head system. The body is small-chested and wide-hipped, and a lot of the secondary market modders and developers have seized on this new avatar not only to create a lot of different furry looks, but also as an anime avatar. You can get a lot of clothing and skin mods and the like for this. I only mention it because it seems to draw some steam from the Avatar 2.0 project -- if you want an anime avatar, you have two different ways to go now and they're not really compatible with each other.)
Anyway, after extensive searching I found more stuff for the flat-chested Avatar 2.0. Eidelweiss had a new design that was adapted for it, and some of their older stuff is adapted for the Avatar 2.0 but without the breast sizes. But I found one designer in particular who has been focusing on making mesh clothes for the Avatar 2.0 -- AiTech.
At first I was a bit put off by the prices -- generally 500 Linden or more per outfit. But each of these is a complete outfit designed for all four breast sizes (including flat) and with multiple color options -- and the design work is really very good! After picking up one I wound up buying most of what he had. He also answered a question I had about getting part of one outfit to work properly with the HUD, so points for customer service too!
First off, the shirred bust dress -- beautiful! I wound up buying this last because all of the pictures showed a version with breasts, and nothing in the description specifically said it came with all four breast options -- but then I found that one of the reviews from the market place said so. It's really a lovely dress, one of his best items for the Avatar 2.0. It comes in several pastel colors and several darker colors, but I love the lavender the best!
The schoolgirl dress is another beautiful outfit with multiple colors and all chest options. I love the high-waist skirt on this -- so unlike what was even possible in SL before mesh.
There's a Next Gen dress for Star Trek fans. Comes with all bust options and can swap between red, blue, and gold depending on where you work on the ship. (You can promote yourself by adding to the command buttons on the collar as well). There's only a dress -- no pants option -- but that's fair, because both boys and girls can wear it, so there's no discrimination! (Imagine the show where everyone on the ship wears a dress!)
This last outfit is not an AiTech outfit; it's a Utilzator schoolgirl top (which also comes with multiple color options and sizes), paired with a schoolgirl skirt from Eidelweiss (there didn't seem to be a Utilizator skirt to go with the top). The skirt works well with the Avatar 2.0 body, but you buy each color separately, so I chose black. The hose and shoes are also Utilizator.
All told, I'm enjoying my flat-chested Avatar 2.0 much more than when it first came out and there were only a couple of options for clothing!
(These pictures are taken in zones: Timeless Memories, Skye Neist Point, and Eclectica.)