Sunday, December 23, 2012

Apricot Sugarplum, Flower Fairy

I like to take pictures -- of whatever game I happen to be in.  With Second Life I go into overdrive, because a large part of the game involves what you look like, and the interface (I use the Phoenix Firestorm viewer to connect to the game) grants you nearly perfect camera controls and the ability to manipulate the environment for that perfect photo.

So I may have things too say here, but my primary goal is to find a place to post photos.  Today I was playing with an old alt (all my alts are old I guess) named Apricot Sugarplum.  I discovered Petite Avatars -- very small avatars, maybe a foot tall or less compared to your standard avatar -- and Petite Kingdom, a large mall zone for selling everything related to Petite Avatars.  And with a name like Apricot Sugarplum, how could I not transform her into a flower fairy?

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