Thursday, May 23, 2013

Kali, Goddess of Death (World Goth Fair)

I visited the World Goth Fair in Second Life and wandered around looking at everything.  I only had a couple of thousand Lindens to spend, and I really wasn't sure what I was looking for, but I was in the mood to come up with a new goth look of some sort.  But I got more than halfway through the merchants and I was really disappointed in what I found, nothing that really reached out and grabbed me and begged to be bought -- until I came across this wonderful Kali/Goddess of Death outfit.  This is "Beautiful Death Couture" by Boudoir.  The dress was expensive (1200 Lindens) but you get what you pay for, and this was far and away the most amazing thing I came across.  It includes the hair, makeup, just about everything you need for the outfit aside from your own skin and shape.

Skin:  C:K Elis Feather Skin
Shape:  Colette's Amazon (modified)
Makeup:  Pin Me Down - Evilyn
Earrings:  [ S H O C K ] Graceful Death Earrings
Boots that you can't see:  Zero Gravity Boots from Caverna Obscura

Everything Else:  Boudoir, Beautiful Death Couture

Pictures taken at Mystical Darkwood with the Doomship environmental setting.

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