Sunday, March 17, 2013

How I Spent My Free Money

This is ShinobuEden Resident, the new "freebie" character I created back in late Decmeber.  I haven't been doing much with her, I kind of abandoned my newbie experiment after a week or so, but one thing I had done is collect my free 1,000 lindens from back when Second Life was giving them away on Amazon (for a few short hours).  I had done nothing with the money though, until today.

Shinobu Eden was my invulnerable super-strong brute in Second Life.  She was the twin of Sailor Shinobu, my invulnerable energy melee tank.  Basically she was a young girl in a sailor suit with antenna hair, somewhat similar to Sailor Moon.

Having played with the Utilizator Avatar 2.0 the last week, I decided to buy an anime-style avatar for ShinobuEden Resident with my 1,000 Lindens.  I checked out a lot of different anime avatars, but all of them were more expensive than the Avatar 2.0.  Even some of Utilizator's own anime avatars are more expensive.  The Avatar 2.0 is a beta version, it's still being developed.  Also, a lot of the available anime avatars are based off the SL body -- you get a skin, a shape, an anime head. etc.  I liked the idea of a full-mesh avatar, and I only had 1,000 Lindens, so I bought the Avatar 2.0.

I found a few more mods for the Avatar 2.0 in my search, so the picture above is with a modified skirt and corset top -- Utilizator doesn't sell these in pink.  This was just two textures for 50 Linden that you had to apply to copies of the Utilizator products.  I also discovered how to edit the stockings that Utilizator sells to make the feet invisible, so that was good to learn.

I spent 300 Linden on the avatar, 200 Linden on the outfit, 50 Linden on the mod, and I think 100 Linden on the boots and 100 Linden on the stockings.  I also bought blue open-front shorts and a blue short hoodie.  That reduced me to 69 Lindens, so I think I did pretty well.  ^_^  Sadly, she doesn't really look like my CoH character, but at least a bit closer than she did before.

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